
Posters up to 24 x 36

Be inspired to achieve despite the odds, then give. Always Reach.

Prints -various sizes

High-resolution, photo-quality posters on gloss stock, ready for framing.
click either image

©2016 Gene Cartwright from 'Still Dreaming' book of poetry

If you are languishing in a valley,
lost and abandoned by hope,
thrust a hand high above your head —

and Reach.

If you are rooted on level ground,
but lost in a maddening crowd,
thrust a hand high above your head —

and Reach.

If you are perched on a lush green hill with a breathless, inspiring view, thrust a hand high above your head —

and Reach.

If you are atop the highest mountain, with only endless sky above,
thrust a hand high above your head —

and Reach.

If you land among stars still forming, even beyond moons still rising,
thrust a hand high above your head — 

and Reach.

From golden glow of early morning to ghostly glimmer of setting sun, let your first and final striving be to achieve what has not been done. Reach up, determined to move yet higher, to rise high above the clutter, yet always reaching down, reaching down to lift another—even one.


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